Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting at “La Cantinetta” Hello everybody For those who missed me I’m back and for those who haven’t been here in a while welcome back Just want to talk to you about the wine tasting I went to last Friday. Seriously sometimes I’m not sure if it’s a wine tasting or a food tasting. …

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Happy New Year

As you can see I haven’t forgotten about you ☺️。 After a well deserved (I hope) vacation. I’m back in front om my computer thinking of new fun ways to help you learn a new language. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Auguri e Buon Anno Bonne année à tous

I Do love Games

Today in one of my elementary classes, we practised the simple phrase “I have”. I found that one of the best games for this is UNO. Easy to learn, prepare and doesn’t take much space. The hardest part was to slow the kids down when they started having too much fun and remind them to …

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Playing Games

Today was another fun class. We played Just One, and ended up with some funny results. When it was my turn, I ended up with the following choices: “Back to the future”, Catfish, buy, sell, IH and stove (as in heather). Can you guess what the word is?

Italiano Alla Cantinetta

Ciao a tutti! Allora Venerdì scorso abbiamo avuto un altro bel corso alla Cantinetta. Abbiamo cominciato un nuovo capitolo nel quaderno, Cominciamo a praticare i possessivi. (Mamma mia ) Dopo la lezione, come sempre una buonissima cenetta. 皆さんこんにちは!先週の金曜日、カンティネッタで楽しいコースがありました。 ノートブックの新しい章を開始しました。所有格の練習を始めましょう。 (マンマミア)レッスンの後、いつものように、とても良い夕食。 La prossima lezione ci sarà una nuova studentessa, allora bisognerà creare una nuova attività per …

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Italian @ La Cantinetta

金曜日のイタリア語を復活 先週金曜日はLa Cantinettaにイタリア語講座をあった。すごい楽しかった。(勝手に決めていいかな):) 今回は難しいゲームしました。動詞の活用を練習するために親権衰弱(Memoriaイタリア語で)遊んだ。しかし、今回はカードを5枚をそろわなければならなかった。かなり難しかったが とても楽しかった。Era molto dificile ma molto divertente. つぎの食事は美味しかった。今回はソーセージとトマトリゾットでした。Che buono. デザートはパンナコッタとジェラート。 Ci vediamo tutti Il mese prossimo. Ciao

Change of Season

Good Morning Just want to let everybody know all is well, The Zoom classes with my Elementary students are going well. But Honestly I can’t wait to see them in person. It’s not the same through a computer screen. I have to give them credit, They are making the efforts and finding new ways to …

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Online class

Great class, great kids The Kids are great, Today we play a game of revers bingo on line (i made the name up, lol). it was great to get them practising. today’s key phrase: I have a *** Great job guys